Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Essay Idea

  The essay topic that I have chosen in regards to obesity would be how fast food has an effect on society as a whole. Writing along the lines of this idea would help educate not just myself on what's happening in todays modern world but a vast amount of people that don't necessarily know exactly how fast food and unhealthy eating habits is literally harming the entire universe.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Vocabulary Fall #2 Definitions and Sentences 8/26

1. Many people in the world today struggle with obesity.
2. The mold on the ceiling started to accumulate.
3. The body mass of the weight trainer was intense. 
4. Her father was came down with a terrible disease
5. Jenny Craig is an O.G. when it comes to diets. 
6. The prevalence of technology is increasing. 
7. He had a stigma when it came to spiders.
8. Wearing your seat belt can prevent an accident. 
9. The bouncer wouldn't let the adolescent in. 
10. They bought an excessive amount of donuts. 
11. The structure of the robot had a very detailed mechanism.
12. The bad weather predisposed her attitude. 
13. The child was suffering from a rare syndrome.
14. Living a sedentary lifestyle isn't good for you at all.

obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health

accumulategather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity of

massa body of coherent matter, usually of indefinite shape and often of considerable size

diseasean abnormal condition that affects the body of an organism.

diet:the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats

prevalencethe fact or condition of being prevalent; commonness

stigmaa mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person

prevent(able)keep (something) from happening or arising.

adolescentof a young person, in the process of developing from a child into an adult
cardiovascular: of or relating to the heart and blood vessels.

excessivemore than is necessary, normal, or desirable; immoderate.

mechanisma system of parts working together in a machine; a piece of machinery.

sedentary(of a person) tending to spend much time seated; somewhat inactive.

predisposemake someone liable or inclined to a specified attitude, action, or condition.

syndrome group of symptoms that consistently occur together or a condition characterized by a set of associated symptoms.

Friday, August 23, 2013

This Is Phat! 8/23

     A line of chains wouldn't blatantly tell you not to buy their products however they do a damn good job at promoting through the media by pin pointing the luxurious life styles and modeling the happiness that some feel in regards to visual images and smiles through a television screen to you, the consumer. In order to run a cooperation, ( in this case fast food companies) it's essential to know how to sell your product and to whom however the most basic question gets swept under the rug countless times: How is this hurting generations of people? Yet some of us ourselves don't really know how to go about answering this basic question because we don't have to live with diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. we only know of the information we were provided with through education taught in public schools for we are not seeing the effects of what's happening to our bodies right away on the inside.
      A heated topic would be the debate over fast food; how it's good and how it's bad for consumption and or avoidance. Obviously there wouldn't be a thriving company of any sort because the number one thing is customer service and without it your company isn't making money. With this said, I believe there is a 50/50 break between customers and fast food restaurants, each having their own faults. "It's the fast food" "THIS made me fat" "Fast food gave me diabetes" "My doctor says I have a weight problem" These are the countless comments we hear from people however they don't do anything to change their ways for a better alternative of living. So how do we fix the problem?
      In order to sustain a longer life span rationally you can't continue to eat greasy and processed foods, regardless of how convenient and good it may or may not taste. Making little changes in life such as cutting out sodas and sugary drinks, keeping consumption of sweets to a minimum and finding substitute snacks such as organically grown products will help you with your physical health as well as mental. We as a nation have to take the power into our own hands, think about the long term effects and decide where we really want to invest our money. To be in control of your own life takes more responsibility and effort however it's your health that we are trying to preserve here so it should matter.
     It's fair to say that not all consumption and or distribution of fast food will come to a haul because for some this is the only way they know how to make money, through the food industry. It's also fair to say that business will always be business and not everyone can be satisfied BUT they have a job to do which is to sell their products. Fast food has spread not just through the United States but to other countries now that are struggling with diabetes, high blood pressure,etc. which for some countries was unheard of until recently. It's take one to lead by example and another to fallow, be mindful of what is entering your body! Sometimes the effects are unrecoverable.

Those against it:

Those for it:

Synopsis For Fast Food 8/23

   While researching the effects of fast food, I was astonished to find that fast food not just effects the United States however it's spreading now to other countries whom have had a history of being healthy from the start. As all fast food industries exceed in their growth, so does the consumers stretch in their budgets because fast food as "fast" and convenient. It's a known fact that majority of the traditional roles of men and women have been altered quite a bit due to living environments, the economy,etc. therefore not a lot of people have the time for a proper sit down meal that contains the proper nutritional values for we are always on the go, go go! Norway, Spain, South Korea, China, Thailand, Chile, Israel are just a few examples of countries that are getting more involved with fast food as well as the business of the fast food industry. It's a sad but true fact that with unhealthy eating habits comes a diversity in diseases and symptoms that have a life long effect on its victims.

Credible Resources: http://www.euromonitor.com/fast-food

The Opposing Side: http://www.livestrong.com/article/259534-what-are-the-benefits-of-fast-foods/

  • Statistics show that the number of people in China are slowly but surely starting to fall out of shape and become effected by their consumption of processed/fast food.
  • Most fast food companies are tunneled vision in the sense that their only concern is money 
  • The easiest line of work this day is working somewhere within the fast food industry thus consisting of a manager, on the team,etc. 
  • Majority of the "meats" that are in fast food have chemicals to preserve them so when people put those "foods" in their bodies technically their consuming some chemicals 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Non-Fiction Fast Food Link


Beautiful Boy Notes 8/21

  • David Sheff is Nik Sheff's father whom goes through the course of his son's addiction. 
  • The father to the relationship had a lot of guilt that he carried around because he felt that it was his fault that Nik started using  
  • Chapter 1 talks about the dynamics of the family and how David used to be married to Nik's mom Karen. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

My Opinion Isn't A Right Notes 8/16

Your Opinion Isn't Worth A Thing notes from 8.16.13

  • In order to validate your opinion you need to support it.
  • People will talk about you instead of to you
  • Big people make little peoples opinions small 
  • Interdependence: you depend on others, inter means between so this means collaborating with others 
  • Limbic and intellectual brain: associated with us being social animals 
  • Limbic: emotional part of the brain because emotions are created when you are very young. Sometimes you go limbic because you don't feel like you are being heard. 
  •              Example of this: Children when they don't have the words to convey what their feeling.
  • Reptilian: Part of you that controls functions such as breathing at night, bladder control,etc.

  • What the author of this passage is trying to convey is that when it comes to having an opinion that's fine however it's the things within your opinion that you feel obligated to have which becomes a problem. 
  • People have to change the way they doing something,etc. in order to make your opinion fulfill the fate of being "right" which isn't right at all.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Reflections on week 1

  •  There isn't any factors that will contribute to effecting my participation and or experience in this class along with access to a computer. Transportation won't be a problem from what I know so far and in regards to a smart phone, I don't have one. This doesn't effect my work though because I have a computer at home.

  •  An experience that has forever changed me would probably be a time last year when I was attending Righetti as a Junior and got in major trouble. This led to me getting sent away to somewhere that taught me discipline, self respect and responsibility. For 15 months I lived in Roosevelt, Utah along with other teenagers that needed guidance. I knew what I was doing was a problem prior to be getting sent away however I was to ignorant to care enough. The difference between now and then is that now I'm more mature and have experienced things in life that most teenagers have not. Something to this day that I remember how to do is stay in the moment and stay mindful of everything that's going on in the present moment.

  •  The thing that I'm most excited to learn about in this class would honestly be everything and anything because there is an art to what we do in Preston's class, I feel as if it's an on going learning kind of class. There isn't anything that I feel concerned about because everything is pretty self explanatory within the class. I look forward to learning how to connect with others through writing and the technology aspect of communication now these days. I feel as if this class will make a difference in my life in the sense that it will teach me how to become a more insightful/better writer so when the time comes I to will be able to connect with my readers. I have always wanted to write for my career in the future so I feel this is the perfect class to build a foundation to do just that.

5 Go To Sources For Good Non-Fiction

These are 5 sources that are linked in order for you to find non-fiction books!

Friday, August 16, 2013

A Truly Interesting Piece Of Non-Fiction

    A truly interesting piece of Non-Fiction would be the book "Tweak" by Nic Sheff. This book really caught my attention because it's interesting how in the life of a meth addict Sheff was able to be so observant of every emotion and experience that came up for him throughout his journey of addiction. I find it very interesting that Sheff's style of writing made it so that his readers could relate to him not just through the fight against addiction but the experiences in life that he talks about thus including trying to find out who he truly is as a person. It's a known fact that every life is different however we never know how different it may be. Read this book!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

What is Expository Writing?

  Expository writing is a form of writing that explains ideas and conveys information to someone. Long story short is basically exposes that in which you don't understand and or can't wrap your head around the concept of an idea.